Monday, May 21, 2007

Sunday A Cool Day!

Sunday...A relaxing day. Everything was so fine. I woke up late and went to church late around 10.30 am. But after church i stayed back for Bible School Just for a fren and by the way i never see what they did in Bible School so i stayed back. After that,I went for lunch with Tun. I ate but the ress wasnt. Then the LATE GANG appeared. They change their mind eating in my place because the service was SO SLOW until i called for a bill that arrived at 20 minutes after. We ended up in Tai Meng and have a fast lunch and Off, Back to church.After bible school I went home on Tun motorcycle but went he send me home I changed my decision and ask him to send me to the neaby basketball since all my skater Friends are there. I glid on my his motorcycle. Then off the bike was moving with my skateboard then IN THE MIDDLE... My skateboard start to shake and wobble. I was about to release my hand from the bike to Slow Down my skateboard but My skateboard Skid to the side and I fell and role. Good Thing there wasnt a car behind or at the side or else i would be at The nearest hospital.Then my friend said "Thats The True Meaning Of Skating". Now I realise whats the true meaning of skateboarding. It's not fall and cry but It's falling today and standing tomorrow. From each fall You will gain experience. That's the true meaning of skateboarding.The Best Among The Best IS...BATHING TIME.

*Arghh It Hurts

*Love The Pain

*WOW! That gotta Hurt

*3 Things you cant evade from skateboarding